Computer Based Test Software Exam Engine Module: Question Types Supported

Various question types supported by CBT Software-Exam Engine are:

1. Multiple Choice Single Answer : In this question type minimum 4 and maximum 6 answer choices can be given for each question. candidate has to choose one correct answer. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen

Question Types Supported 1

2. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer : In this question type minimum 4 and maximum 6 answer choices can be given for each question. candidate has to choose minimum two correct answer. Below is figure which shows this question type in Exam screen

Question Types Supported 2

Note : Both MCSA and MCMA question types can have question and explanation as plain text, rich formatted text entered using HTML editor, or as PDF document.

Question Types Supported 3

Fig : MCSA Question with image entered using html editor.

Question Types Supported 4

Fig : MCMA Question entered as PDF type.