The test engine (CBT Engine) offers different highly useful examination features like multiple choice questions (MCQs), case studies, learn mode practice tests, and custom exam authoring tools. CBT Engine is regularly updated and bugs are fixed.
If you wish to check out CBT Engine, just download and install the demo version of the product. The demo version is close to the full version except that you could only take a limited number of questions per test.
Further, we offer preparation material for a wide range certifications in the IT industry. Check out our "Library" for available prep tests. More tests are being added from time to time.
Important features of the product are given below:
Support for various question types, including MCQs, Drag-n-Drop, Exhibit, Hotspot, and Scenario based questions.
Configure exams as per your needs, by using various parameters like number of questions per exam, whether to allow/dis-allow Learn mode, “Previous”, or “Review” buttons, and several more similar features. Administrative login disables candidates from changing the exam settings.
Detailed score reports - You can save the score reports and statistics for future review.
Library Author Mods – The library of free author mods available with the exam engine may be found here. These exams (author mods) are free to download and compatible with CBT Engine.
Finally, you can create your own exam by using CBT Author Engine. Download the Computer Based Test Software to create your own exam author mods.
Screenshots of the product are given below (click to enlarge):