Exam Software to Self Prepare for the Exams

The biggest transformation we are seeing in today’s examination system is computer based tests or online exams, It may be objective, drag and drop, or any other types. With the latest technology, I think paper and pen-based exams are wiped out. An examination is the essence of the education which evaluates the candidate knowledge on a particular subject. For the better performance of the candidate in the real exams, SimExams has updated the exam software for the self-preparation with ease.

Exam Software for schools
Exam Software For Self Preparation

Right from creating the exams to evaluating the results instantly it is a one-stop solution to the examinations. simexams walks with the candidate to explain each and every module with spick and span screenshots. one can also check out how simexams works. Using simexams exam software will help you in time management and gain experience with answering different types of question in the real exams.

As well as you can edit the exam, create groups, add the candidate to the groups, import the exams and can experience many other rich features of the software.

Features of this Software

Easy Download and Install

Create and conduct the exams with ease

Supports different types of questions

Get free library to practice for exams

Add and Remove any number of candidates and assign them to different groups.

Import the exams from local storage or by giving a URL