Different Types Of Tests or Exams Conducted Using Exam Software

Have you ever heard about the computer-based test, if not I am here to explain? A computer based test is conducted by a medium called computer (Don’t get me wrong You know what is a computer right?) Nowadays many educational institutions are embracing these types of tests because it reduces manpower in many factors. To create and conduct exams you should definitely have a software.

The Exam software is one stop solution for paper and pen-based exams. These kinds of exam software play a vital role in educational sectors. The reason why educational sectors like schools, Institutes, colleges are running towards this method of exams is, It helps in reducing paper usage, Instant score cards soon after he/she hits the submit button, Timer which is shown above the top of the screen will help in time management and many others.

Many computer based tests are like multiple choices (Not for all time), sometimes maybe drag and drop, fill in the blanks, and others.  Believe me, even if you hate exams or tests it is the part of life for a student. So there is a need to know what are the different kinds of exams. 

1. Diagnostic Test

A procedure to identify an individual’s specific area of weakness and strengths in order to determine student knowledge. This type of test helps the faculty to take decisions in which part of the subjects do the student is weak and reschedule the syllabus to teach.

2. Placement Test

These exams are conducted to test the knowledge level of a person/student for hiring a particular position. 

3. Quiz Exams

The exam which is conducted to check the person’s knowledge of how he can handle the situation in different areas like puzzles, General knowledge, riddles, and many others.

4.  Subjective Tests

With this type of tests, the maker of the exam has to pass judgment on the answers of the student. Mostly this in the form of free text questions or essays. 

 There are many numbers of online exam software to create and conduct exams.