How to use CBT Author Module : Audio/Vedio Question Type

In this question type candidate is provided with an Audio or Video based on which questions are asked. Minimum 4 and maximum 6 answer choices can be given for each question. candidate has to choose one or more correct answer.

1. Entering a new question : To enter a new question select "Multiple Choice Single Answer" OR "Multiple Choice Multiple Answer" under "Choose Question Type" and click on "Add New/Insert".

audio/vedio Question type screen 1

A new window will be opened to enter the question as shown below:

audio/vedio Question type screen 2

Following are the fields in the question entering window:

1. Question : Enter the main question in this field. (Please enter ** [That is two * continuously] in places where you want blank spaces to appear in question)

2. Enter Answer : Click on this button to enter correct answers 

Fill in the blanks Question type screen 3

4. Difficulty Level : Use this option to select difficulty level for the question to Beginner, Intermediate or Expert. Default value is set to Beginner.

5. Category : Use this option to assign this question to a specific category (topic). By default first category is selected.

6. Score : This field shows the score assigned to this question.

7. Exhibit : This option displays the name of the image file selected by browsing.

8. Explanation : Any explanation for the question can be entered in this field. 

9. Audio/Video : This option is used to provide the audio/video file used for the question. To select the audio/video file click on "Add Exhibit" button, browse to the file location and select it.

To save the question click on "Save" button.

Previous and Next buttons can be used to navigate to other questions and insert new question at specific place in the database.

Close button can be used to exit without saving the question.

2. Edit an existing question : To edit an existing question select select "Fill-In-Blank type question" under "Choose Question Type" in Author/Question Type screen and click on "Edit/Delete".

A new window will open and display the first question present in this question type.

audio/vedio Question type screen 3

Use previous and Next button to navigate to the desired question. Make required changes and click "Edit" button to save the changes. Use "Close" button to exit without saving.

3. Delete an Question : Follow the steps to open the question for editing (Edit an Existing Question) and click on "Delete" button to remove the question from the database.